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Sustainable Development in Creative Art Industry via SDG#17 Partnership /#4.7 Knowledge Transfer and #9 Innovations

On June 13, 2022, SYART launched an event on expanding creative art business to Singapore. During the event, a number of artists, students and...

Women Empowerment – Entrepreneurial Spirit, Design Thinking and SDGs via UNOSSC Entrepreneurial Academy

On March 25, 2022, Dr. Shirley Yeung presented a speech on SDG#12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) for the ALPHAzulu Nugget 1Minute 1Goal event (https://www.facebook.com/AlphaZULUng/photos/a.1026574840694084/5385798344771690/). Dr. ...

Self-Management with Awareness of Intangible Resources for Transformations – UNSDG #3/4/9/16

Based on the underlying logics of accumulation, Lowendahl (1997) suggests that there are four fundamentally different categories of resources:  1) financial assets 2) tangible...

Quality of Education – SDG4.7

Providing quality education via UNSDGs 4.7 Knowledge Transfer is not an easy task.  Walk with vision is important for all levels of employees working in...

Ecosystem of Art Life Business Community

Ecosystem of Artist Community Understand how artists think and creating a platform with jobs and contents to share for artist community Ecosystem of Technological Specialists Implement technology...

Servant Leadership and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Basic necessities are similar to the ones, emphasized in the MDGs, and all of them are essential for leading a life, on which spiritual...

Shared Vision – Sustained with STEAM Mindset

Mr. Ricky Chau, experienced in printing industry for years, shared with us that offering an opportunity for young people and mid-aged community to visualize their...

Re-think Art Events from Artist’s Perspective

Mitchell Seeyu (Hung Kit Mei) was born and raised in Hong Kong. Graduated from Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and garnered a Master of...