Home Uncategorized UNSDG 4 Parenting Quality Management (PQM) for the Future

UNSDG 4 Parenting Quality Management (PQM) for the Future

Based on the concerns of Ferrara (2014) on Parenting 2.0 that helps parents remove the blindfolds, cultivate their children’s abilities to develop and adapt at any age or stage, the author is interested in exploring a framework of PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) adapted from ISO Quality Management Standards for Parenting Quality Management (PQM). According to the key words search on “Future Parenting” from E-data base, a total of 447 articles appeared. The author has prudently selected 19 relevant articles (2007 – 2018) out of 447 articles for N’vivo content analysis on the key elements for parenting quality management for the future. The key elements identified for PQM are:

– Plan for Stress Removers (827 references);

– Plan for Personality (713 references);

– Plan for Emotion (550 references);

– Plan for Readiness (482 references);

– Plan for carefree (302 References);

– Do for Involvement (2,409 references);

– Check for Attachment (1,281 references); and

– Act for Rebuild (596 references).

When reviewing the similar meaning of tree diagram shown in N’Vivo on the above key words, it has been identified that planning the ways to connect and remove distress with program cohesiveness and practices on values, reflection, inter-personal behavior is important. A model with description and effectiveness measurement from nursing, childhood, family to the community is needed. For future research, it is recommended to design, implement and assess the effectiveness of programs deployed to validate the key elements of PDCA framework of Parenting Quality Framework.

Author: Shirley MC Yeung


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